Monday, August 18, 2008


After weeks of warm dry weather...this weekend in the 90s...we have rain. Gray skies and rain drops in August seem to bum people out for the most part. There are a lot of weather complaints today around work, though its clear everyone is just grouchy because it is Monday. This weekend we visited Lola’s folks in Fall City for a backyard campfire, complete with wieners and marshmallows. Eli and Isaac were visiting from Idaho and it was great for us to see those kiddos. Alice and Dominik loved chasing and wrestling around with them on the grass, as well as the soccer games and picture drawing.
On Sunday, Alice had a friend over to play and we went to the sprinkler park nearby to cool off in the humidity. That evening we measured Alice on the wall chart and discovered she had grown 3/4 inch since we measured her a month ago. She has always had visions of herself being a college kid and growing too tall to fit inside our house...and still asks us about this from time to time. At this rate, she may have something to worry about.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I heard Grandma & Grandpa were quite impressed with Dominik's hat trick!